Wednesday, 10 November 2010

things are afoot...

Registered for my graduation today. Exciting. Actually got a good respectable result for my degree, so will be happy to go recieve it. Never done this before, even though this is not my first degree, so I'm some what excited. Also have my choir concert that same weekend, and the parentals will be around for a few days then as well, so it really should be a good time.

Whats more exciting, is the change in my employment. Same company, different role ..... a promotion if you will. Well pleased, totally nervous, but looking forward to it. Big challenge, but big challenges are good things, so I'm up for it. Life is too short not to be challenged, life is too short not to succeed. Succeeding doesn't always mean what we automatically believe it to me, I've learnt that the long, wrong way. But either way, as long as I embrace the new challenge and do the best I can, thats all I can ask of myself. It's all good!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

two weeks...

Two weeks of holidays are almost over. It's been wonderful to nothing much. Had a fantastic night out with work, then a great flying visit to the big city to see some friends and family, and run through Ikea. Meatballs were purchased. My neice and nephew were very excited to see me twice in one week, and it was wonderful to spend some time with them. Also got the chance to see my brother and fiancee, as well as my gran.

Tuesday I did nothing. And it was great! The past couple of days have passed in a blur of spending time with my husband, seeing cute babies and looking forward to good things this weekend. I'm even ok with going back to work, as in two weeks time, I think things will change again!

Nervous and excited would sum up how I'm feeling about this, but it's all for the best :)

I think I may be a grown up.