Saturday, 30 April 2011

You know you're in your thirties when you spend the afternoon in the park with friends and no alcoholic drink is involved. That, and you're in the minority being childless.

I joke, it was a lovely day, and my friends children are adorable. I did say I was happy not to have any. I might have looked like I had two heads on at the point in time. Ah, I'm undecided, but I err on the side of really not now, and not in the near future, at this point in time. And I'm ok with that. I'm ok, because I have other things going on, other things that would make having a children a difficult and horrible experience for me, and I'm not really prepared to put myself through it. I am aware that sounds selfish, and yes, there is no good time to have a child, you're never ready. But I can safely say, now is by far not a good time, and it would be foolishness and naivety of me to think otherwise.

And also, I'm not actually broody. I'd rather have a dog.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I realised in my last post...

I never mentioned the 6 Nations that I was so looking forward to. What a disappointment that was! Truely quite sad. I got last minute tickets to a game I had such high hopes for and I honestly could have sobbed, we were that bad. Oh the pain.

Some people say you need to experience the lowest of lows before you can truely appreciate the highs. I will say this. In life I agree with this. In sport, I do not. Because sometimes, with some teams, all you do is experience the lowest of lows. Consistently. And that, you have to live with. Regardless. (Team swapping is not an option).

So it's over. Summer tests, then a world cup to look forward to. Bring it on.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

truely awful ... writing blog posts.

I feel like a grown up for sure. I spent the day at training with managers and realised I am one. I also got a wonderful compliment about my career from a man who interviewed me really boosted me. I think sometimes we need a little unexpected something to help us on our way. It's nice to know someone who didn't give you a job really did mean the reasons he gave, and despite not choosing you, still believes in your abilities. It confirmed to me that the things that have worked out, really have worked out for the best.

I have also come to the conclusion that my 30's are going to be pretty damn good. Being 30 has been good so far, and I'm pretty sure that it will continue to be that way. I know that, because even though things are good, life is still throwing some crap at my direction. However, I can deal with this. It's all good really. Or even if it's not, I can handle it.

I was reading another blog today that spoke of goals and the importance of them. I can't agree enough. These past two years have been full of study and aiming for something. I got it, and I did it well, and I got the promotion I wanted as a result of it. Now where to go? Thats the big question and one I can't quite answer yet. All I know is I'm on the path to where I want to go, I just have to figure out the final destination.